Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A bee's & C's

Well, we know that bees are dying off. What we don't know is why. Possible causes include pestides and pollution. I am now on the waitlist for a class at Rutgers in Beekeeping. Hopefully I will get in. The APP had a tiny news article about it yesterday. Here is the press release from the state website. Wish me luck in getting in the class.


Kristen - 2ndgenlibrarian said...

Good luck!
I'm sure my association would frown on my doing the same.

Karla Ivarson said...

Bees? That's fabulous! Bees are so important and I find the fact that so many are dying off to be terrifying. Who will polinate our crops?

Good luck on getting into the class and being part of the solution.

dlheyson said...

I didn't know you wanted to be a bee keeper! I want to be a bee keeper! Good luck and Save the Bees!

Glynis said...

Hi, my friend found your site when looking for mine as we have the same name and are worried about the bees! I started a web site at bbec.synthasite.com that has information about what we can all do to help. Do check it out and if you can add anything please let me know. Thanks Glynis (UK)