Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thing 11 Library Thing

Library Thing, ok a selection of my books are listed on Library Thing. I included several books, including the Heart of the Community, the Libraries We Love, ( OCL is one of the 80 libraries listed). I also included a book my sister wrote. Shout out to Kim and Connie. I rated you 5 stars! WOO HOO!

My mom's opinion of the site, if she had the time to catalog all of her books, then she'd have the time to actually read the books and therefore would have less to catalog. I tend to agree. If I want a catalog of books, I can use Horizon, If I need readers advisory, I can try novelist.

Personally, I know I read geechy books. I don't need a website to connect me to other people reading the same type of books that I do. Geechy is word someone close to me uses to describe my girly tv watching and reading. Since, he likes documentaries and the History channel and I read YA titles like Gossip Girl and mysteries from Stuart Woods. There is a definite clash over titles.

My link to Library Thing http://www.librarything.com/catalog.php

Update: I just successfully added a Library Thing search box to my blog.

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